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Peripheral Advantage® Program
The Peripheral Advantage Program is a complete data-driven program designed to deliver safe and consistent peripheral IV catheter care. It’s a proven program to give nurses the tools and training they need to confidently deliver a better patient experience.
of nursing students receive instruction in PIVCs1
As many as
of PIVCs fail before the completion of treatment2
Up to
$ 0k
per 250-bed hospital is estimated to be spent on complications3,4
After implementing the Peripheral Advantage Program at their health system, FirstHealth of the Carolinas reported the following results5:
Read our latest case study to learn more about how the Peripheral Advantage Program improved first-stick success, PIVC dwell times and patient satisfaction at FirstHealth of the Carolinas. As we continue to collect more real-world evidence, visit us again to discover how the program can also impact your business.
Vascular Access