OnGuard® Spike Port Adaptor

Adapts a dedicated IV pump tubing set or gravity tubing set. Length: 8 in. (20 cm)

Benefits of OnGuard® CSTD:

  • Majority of hazardous drug compounding can be done with just 3 SKU. Designed to reduce waste, help make implementations easier and reduce confusion.
  • Just compound and go. No need to pre-prime or pre-activate the vial adaptor.
  • Click to lock. No push and twist. Linear connection designed to help reduce repetitive strain injury (RSI) and provide audible click for validation.
  • Flat and smooth valve surfaces. Designed for easier swabability and disinfection.
  • No proprietary components. Works with any off the shelf syringe, no need to stock new syringes.
  • 16G fluid pathway. Helps facilitate easier withdrawal of viscous fluids.

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Product Identification
Product Code 412113
WSN Number 08021-4121-13
Reference Number 412113
Safety Data
Latex Information Not Made With Natural Rubber
Storage and Shipping
Total Shelf Life (Months) 036
Ordering Unit Case
Units per Case 100
Dimensions per Case 15.748 x 11.811 x 8.268 inches
Shipping Weight per Case 4.453 lb

Related Documents

Description Document Link
OnGuard® CSTD Brochure
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Prevention of Hazardous Drug Vapor Release by the Tevadaptor® VialAdaptor
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Cytotoxic Exposure: Healthcare Worker Risks
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Evaluation of a Closed-System Cytotoxic Transfer Device in aPharmaceutical Isolator
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ONS Webinar: Empowering Nurses. Improving Safety.
Head-to-Head Evaluation of CSTDs in a Health-System Oncology Clinic
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A Universal Test Protocol for Assessment of all CSTD Technologies:Assessment of the Containment Performance of CSTDs that Either Employ aMechanically Closed Physical Barrier or air Filtration Technology
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FDA ONB Clearance
NIOSH DRAFT Universal Protocol
NIOSH Recognition of CSTD Air-Cleaning Technology