CARESAFE™ IV Administration Set Available With AirStop

Designed for Convenient and Safe IV Therapy

  • Promotes Patient Safety
  • Designed to Streamline Workflow
  • Drives Environmental Sustainability


Clinicians are frequently under high pressure and looking to streamline work-flow. Nurses spend only 35% of their time in the patient's room.1 Their time is precious. At B. Braun, we have developed CARESAFE IV Administration Sets with optional AirStop. Nurses now have peace of mind in knowing that the line will not run dry and their patient will remain safe.


CARESAFE™ IV Administration Sets with AirStop Features

Safe IV Therapy

  • Air-in-Line prevention is critical in IV therapy.2,3
  • The innovative AirStop filter is designed to only allow fluid to pass and thereby helps to prevent the line from running dry.4 
  • CARESAFE is not made with diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), an endocrine disrupting compound (EDC) that has been shown to be harmful to certain patient populations including pregnant women, male neonates, and young children.5
  • CARESAFE is not made with PVC.


Value-Added Patient Care

  • According to a blinded B. Braun market research study, 77% of respondents specified experiencing a high level of stress associated with the IV set running dry.6
  • Re-priming of IV lines diverts clinician attention from more value-added patient care.
  • CARESAFE with AirStop provides peace of mind for the clinicians.


Environmental Sustainability

The only supplier to offer a robust portfolio of IV solutions and sets not made with PVC and DEHP.

  • EPA is concerned about phthalates because of their toxicity and the evidence of pervasive human and environmental exposure to them.5
  • DEHP is one of the 20 chemicals on the EPA's High-Priority Chemical Substances proposal.
  • When deposited into landfills, products made with PVC can leach toxic chemicals into the groundwater.

1  Yen, P. Y., Kellye, M., Lopetegui, M., Saha, A., Loversidge, J., Chipps, E. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Buck, J. (2018). Nurses' Time Allocation and Multitasking of Nursing Activities: A Time Motion Study. AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2018, 1137–1146.

2  Cook, Lynda S. Infusion-Related Air Embolism. Journal of Infusion Nursing. February 2013. Volume 36 Number 1: 25-34.

3  Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice 2021. January/February 2021. Volume 44 Number 1S.

4  Pheriphervenöse Schwerkraftinfusionen - Intrafix® SafeSet mit Vorteilen gegenüber herkömmlichen Infusionssystemen written by lic. rer. pol. Andreas Frei, Die Schwester Der Pfleger 43. Jahrg. 5/04.

5  U.S Environmental Protection Agency: Phthalates Action Plan. March 2012.

6  Key Group Consultative Market Research: New PVC/DEHP-Free IV Sets: New Product Concept & Conjoint Study. January 14 2021.

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CARESAFE™ IV Administration Sets with AirStop