Clik-FIX® Peripheral

Dressing and Securement All-in-One

The Clik-FIX Peripheral Catheter Securement Device is an Integrated Securement Device (ISD) that is designed to be better for the patient and the clinician. It is all-in-one, and includes a securement device, transparent dressing, foam base pad, and extra foam tape strip. The securement cover is designed to prevent catheter motion and dislodgement by nestling around the perimeter and back of the connection, and it is repositionable if access to the Luer connection is required. The cushioned foam base pad helps to maintain the angle of insertion and reduce the risk of pressure injuries. The Clik-FIX Peripheral device is designed to be easy to use for the clinician and comfortable for the patient.

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Product Identification
Product Code PCS-1011B
WSN Number 08021-0005-89
Reference Number PCS-1011B
Safety Data
Latex Information Not Made With Natural Rubber
Storage and Shipping
Total Shelf Life (Months) 036
Ordering Unit Case
Units per Case 400
Dimensions per Case 23.959 x 12.463 x 12.997 inches
Shipping Weight per Case 10.554 lb
Sterile Yes

Related Documents

Description Document Link
PCS-1011B Clik-FIX® Peripheral Catheter Securement Device IFU
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Clik-FIX Catheter Securement Device SDS Exemption Letter
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