OnGuard® 2 Standard 20 mm Vial Adaptor (VA) with 13 mm Converter

Available in 20 mm (+13 mm convertor) or 28 mm, the Vial Adaptors match most standard vial dimensions.

To enable drug transfer in a closed system, the OnGuard 2 Vial Adaptor is mounted on the drug vial.

Once the Vial Adaptor has been connected, the OnGuard 2 Syringe Adaptor / OnGuard 2 Syringe Adaptor Lock allows safe drug transfer from the vial to the syringe, and then to another container (e.g. an infusion bag, a semi-rigid bottle, an elastomeric pump or a medication cassette reservoir for an ambulatory infusion pump).

This is enabled by a linear connection to the Vial Adaptor. The audible click indicates a secure connection. The OnGuard 2 septum can be pierced up to 10 times, preventing drug leakage and contamination.1 The OnGuard 2 Vial Adaptor’s protective cap further enables safe and sterile vial storage.


Air-cleaning technology device designed to be simple to use for quick handling.

Located in the Vial Adaptor, Toxi-Guard prevents the escape of cytotoxic and other hazardous drug vapors, aerosols and droplets into the environment during reconstitution. Additionally, Toxi-Guard prevents airborne contaminants and particles from entering the vial. It automatically equalizes the air pressure, thus allowing time-saving and simple use when compounding.

Toxi-Guard comprises a 100% activated carbon drug binding matrix and a 0.2 μm hydrophobic and oleophobic membrane. This allows the OnGuard® 2 air pathway to let only sterile air inside the vial during drug reconstitution and preparation.

  1. OnGuard® 2 CSTD Instructions for Use

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Product Identification
Product Code 412161
WSN Number 08021-4121-61
Reference Number 412161
Storage and Shipping
Total Shelf Life (Months) 036
Ordering Unit Case
Units per Case 200
Dimensions per Case 15.630 x 11.693 x 11.299 inches
Shipping Weight per Case 9.348 lb

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Description Document Link
OnGuard® 2 CSTD for Nurses
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OnGuard® 2 CSTD for Pharmacy
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OnGuard® 2 Instructions for Use
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